  • Generate Ssh Key For Docker User
    카테고리 없음 2021. 2. 23. 22:37

    Generate Ssh Key For Docker User

    Using docker, you can package your enterprise application into one self-contained container, which is guaranteed to run on any environment.

    This makes it easy for both developer and sysadmins to manage the application. If you are an administrator, you don’t have to hear this excuse from developer anymore: “But, it works on my dev environment!”
    Using Docker Machine, you can install and configure Docker Engine on a remote server. Once docker is installed, from your local machine (laptop), you can remotely manage the docker.

    In this tutorial, we’ll specifically talk about the Generic driver used by docker-machine, which will use SSH client to manage the remote docker host.

    Mar 11, 2020  Removing PUBLICKEY or PUBLICKEYFILE variables from docker run environment variables will not remove the keys from authorizedkeys. PUBLICKEYFILE can be used with docker secrets. We provide the ability to set and allow password based access via the PASSWORDACCESS and USERPASSWORD variables, though we as an organization discourage using.

    1. Create dockeradmin user on Remote Host

    First, create a Linux user account on the remote server. You don’t really have to use “dockeradmin” as the username, it can be anything. You can even use your own user name.

    2. Generate SSH Public-Private Key Pair on Local Host

    Free mac software. Next, on your local host (laptop), create a public and private SSH key using ssh-keygen. Bose connect for mac. You should also copy the private key to the remote server.

    We explained how to do this in this article: Perform Remote SSH Login Without Password

    But, in-short, here is what you need to do for this:

    Note: During ssh-keygen, don’t give any passphrase. Leave it empty.

    3. Allow Sudo Access for dockeradmin

    On your remote server, in the /etc/sudoers file, add the following line, which will give full sudo privilege to dockeradmin account. This means that dockeradmin account can run any root command.

    Note: visudo command will modify the /ec/sudoers file. You don’t have to use “vi /etc/sudoers”.

    4. Allow External Access on Remote Server

    Make sure your remote server can talk to the internet. This is required, as the docker-machine command will invoke several yum commands to install certain require packages.

    So, just for testing purpose, make sure the following works on your server.

    If you don’t have appropriate nameserver setup, modify your /etc/resolve.conf and add the following line. Or, use one of the nameservers provided by your system administrator.

    5. docker-machine Generic Driver Command Syntax

    When you are using the Generic driver, the following options are available in docker-machine create command.

    Music visualizer software free download mac. The following docker-machine syntax shows all the mandatory options:

    In the above syntax:

    • docker-machine is the command
    • create option tells docker-machine to create the remote docker-vm host
    • -d option is to specify what type of driver to use. Here, we are using the “generic” driver, which will use the SSH client to connect to the remote host
    • –generic-ip-address is to specify the remote ip-address where the docker-vm host should be created.
    • docker-vm-name is the name that you want to give to the remote docker-vm that will be created by the docker-machine command. This can be anything.

    The following docker-machine syntax shows all available options:

    In the above syntax:

    • –generic-ssh-key This is optional. When you don’t specify this, it will talk to the ssh-agent running on your local system. If you are not running ssh-agent on your local system (laptop), then use this option, and specify the location of your private key on your local system.
    • –generic-ssh-user This is optional. By default, it will use root. But, in most situations you might not want to do this. So, specify the username that you want docker-machine to use while connecting to the remote host.
    • –generic-ssh-port This is the SSH port of the remote server. By default this is 22.
    • Other options are explained in the above syntax

    6. Create the Remote Docker VM Host

    Now, it is time to create the remote docker-vm host using the docker-machine create command.

    The following is the same command as above, but I broke it down into multiple line for easy readability.

    In the above command:

    • We’ve explained all the options in the above syntax section.
    • is the ip-address of our remote host where the docker-vm host should be created.
    • $HOME/.ssh/id_rsa is the private key that is located on your local system (laptop)
    • dockeradmin is the name of the Linux username on the remote host
    • dev-db is the name that I gave for the docker-vm host that I want to create on the remote host. This can be anything.

    Pokemon game download for android. Note: Again, you’ll be executing the above docker-machine command on your local system. You can use the docker-machine command that came with your Docker Toolbox.

    7. Successful docker-machine create Output

    If everything worked properly, you’ll see the following output from the docker-machine create command.

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    Finally, if everything is working properly, you’ll see the remote docker vm host that we created. On your local system, execute the following:

    Note: Well, for most part, nothing goes as planned, and you might get some error message. The following are some typical issues that I faced and the solution for those.

    8. Error 1: Invalid OS

    The current version of docker-machine supports only certain version of OS on the remote server.

    For example, if your remote server is running on CentOS 6, you’ll get the following ” /etc/os-release: No such file or directory” error message. This is because for CentOS, it is looking for CentOS 7.

    9. Error 2: Unable to Execute root Command (No Sudo Access)

    If you are getting the “Error creating machine: Error running provisioning: exit status 1” error message, after the “Provisioning with centos…” line, then it is not the connection issue. docker-machine was able to connect to the remote server properly.

    But, in this case, it is unable to execute root command as dockeradmin user. So, use visudo and allow full sudo access to the dockeradmin user as we explained in one of the previous steps.

    10. Error 3: netstat command is Missing

    If you are getting the “Error running SSH command: exit status 127” error message after the “Setting Docker configuration on the remote daemon…” line, this is also not a connection issue.

    In this case, docker-machine connected to the remote SSH, and it has appropriate sudo access to execute root command, but some of the command it is trying failed, because it is missing “netstat” command.

    To fix this problem, install the net-tools package on the remote server, which contains the “netstat” command.

    I’m hoping in the next version of docker-machine, they’ll probably check whether “netstat” exists on the remote server or not, at the beginning and give appropriate valid error message.

    11. Error 4: Docker Client Version Mis-match

    If you are getting the following “Error creating machine: Error running provisioning: exit status 1” error message, there is a possibility that the docker client on your local system (laptop) is not matching with the docker client on the remote system.

    For example, on local system:

    On remote server:

    In the above example, local docker version is 1.9.1, but the remote docker version is an older 1.8.2. So, here we have a mis-match, and docker-machine create will not work and fail as shown above.


    In the above scenario, the docker engine was installed separately on the remote server, which had a different docker client version than the docker client version that came with the docker-machine (docker toolbox) on the local system.

    So, in this case, remove the docker from your remote system as shown below.

    Now, when you execute the docker-machine command on your local system, it will automatically install the appropriate docker engine and the docker client on the remote server that will be compataible with the docker client on the local machine.

    12. Error 5: SELinux or Firewall Blocking Access

    By default, the new docker vm machine that we created will be running on TCP port 2376.

    On your remote server, make sure you have appropriate firewall rule which will allow TCP port 2376. If you still have problem, just temporarily to rule-out the possibility of firewalld blocking access, stop firewalld and see what happens.

    Again, just for debugging purpose, for some reason, if you like to disable the firewalld, you can do it as shown below:

    Docker Enable Ssh

    The latest version of Docker works beautifully with SELinux, no issues there. But, in an earlier version of docker, there were some bugs related to docker and SELinux.

    So, if you are facing any issues, try disabling SELinux temporarily and see whether it fixes the issue. To permanently disable SELinux, modify the /etc/selinux/config file accordingly.

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    Also, note that if SSH is not able to make connection from your local system to the remote server, docker-machine will display the following “Error waiting for SSH: Too many retries waiting for SSH” error message. To fix this, make sure, you implement the SSH password less authentication as explained in one of the above steps.

    When all of the above issues are fixed, docker-machine will work without any issues as shown below:

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    Docker Ssh Forwarding

    You generate an SSH key through macOS by using the Terminal application. Once you upload a valid public SSH key, the Triton Compute Service uses SmartLogin to copy the public key to any new SmartMachine you provision.

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    Joyent recommends RSA keys because the node-manta CLI programs work with RSA keys both locally and with the ssh agent. DSA keys will work only if the private key is on the same system as the CLI, and not password-protected.

    About Terminal

    Terminal is the terminal emulator which provides a text-based command line interface to the Unix shell of macOS.

    To open the macOS Terminal, follow these steps:

    1. In Finder, choose Utilities from the Applications folder.
    2. Find Terminal in the Utilities listw.
    3. Open Terminal.

    The Terminal window opens with the commandline prompt displaying the name of your machine and your username.

    Generating an SSH key

    An SSH key consists of a pair of files. One is the private key, which should never be shared with anyone. The other is the public key. The other file is a public key which allows you to log into the containers and VMs you provision. When you generate the keys, you will use ssh-keygen to store the keys in a safe location so you can bypass the login prompt when connecting to your instances.

    To generate SSH keys in macOS, follow these steps:

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    1. Enter the following command in the Terminal window.

      This starts the key generation process. When you execute this command, the ssh-keygen utility prompts you to indicate where to store the key.

    2. Press the ENTER key to accept the default location. The ssh-keygen utility prompts you for a passphrase.

    3. Type in a passphrase. You can also hit the ENTER key to accept the default (no passphrase). However, this is not recommended.

    You will need to enter the passphrase a second time to continue.

    After you confirm the passphrase, the system generates the key pair.

    Your private key is saved to the id_rsa file in the .ssh directory and is used to verify the public key you use belongs to the same Triton Compute Service account.

    Never share your private key with anyone!

    Your public key is saved to the id_rsa.pub;file and is the key you upload to your Triton Compute Service account. You can save this key to the clipboard by running this:

    Importing your SSH key

    Now you must import the copied SSH key to the portal.

    1. After you copy the SSH key to the clipboard, return to your account page.
    2. Choose to Import Public Key and paste your SSH key into the Public Key field.
    3. In the Key Name field, provide a name for the key. Note: although providing a key name is optional, it is a best practice for ease of managing multiple SSH keys.
    4. Add the key. It will now appear in your table of keys under SSH.

    Docker Ssh Client


    You may see a password prompt like this:

    This is because:

    • You did not enter the correct passphrase.
    • The private key on your Macintosh (id_rsa) does not match the public key stored with your Triton Compute Service account.
    • The public key was not entered correctly in your Triton account.

    What are my next steps?


    Right in the portal, you can easily create Docker containers, infrastructure containers, and hardware virtual machines.

    In order to use the Terminal to create instances, set up triton and CloudAPI as well as the triton-docker commandline tool.

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